Friday, April 29, 2011

habits of highly annoying people

you may have heard of the 10 (8...maybe 7...) habits of highly effective people. well, i don't know about you, but i seem to see a lot more habits of highly annoying people far more often. maybe i'm just a complete jackass, but i cannot help being completely confused by the behavior of some people. doesn't stop me hanging out with them (or in some cases, i am that person), it just befuddles me. here's a lil rant and rave:

#1: people who wear really tight pants to work out in (and really shouldn't).

it just looks terribly uncomfortable, and when your workout clothes are too tight they hold the sweat really close to your body. gross.

#2: people who wear jeans to work out in. chaffing much?

#3: leggings. dear world, leggings are not pants. please cover your crack. love lindsay.

#4: Ugg boots and shorts. how in the world does this fashion make any sense? either it's so warm that your feet will be sweaty or it's so cold that your knees will freeze. seriously, who thought of the brilliant idea to wear sheep's wool on your feet, yet let the air touch your legs? and does any man think that's attractive? doubtful.

#5: 1/2way up the calf tube socks with shorts: a staple of middle-aged men everywhere.

#6: strangers who call me "hon" or "sweetie" or "doll." i seem to get this a lot at restaurants and when i'm running. it makes me wish i had a frying pan like in tangled. if i do not even know your name, it's not appropriate for you have a pet-name for me. this is especially true of:
  • waiters
  • old men
  • construction workers
  • manly ladies
  • the checkout guy at walgreens

#7: people who look attractive when they work out. you're either a: not actually working out hard enough or b: partially inhuman. 

#8: people who try to make themselves look smarter than you. if you have to try so hard, you've just proven you're not that smart.

#9: people who think artists like justin bieber and rebecca black are comparable to a: NSYNC or worse, b: U2. nsync had 3 successful albums, in none of which did they repeat the words "baby" or "friday" 30 times without other lyrics in between. sure, they were a cookie-cutter boy-band, and i will whole-heartedly admit that they were not the most talented band in the world. but they definitely had some a-capella skills.

And as far as U2 is concerned, i can't even believe i had the argument that justin bieber and rebecca black could even be in the same category of music with them. u2 is simply one of the most talented musical groups of all time. the bieb doesn't even have a chance:

#10: people who don't watch their children in public. their children could be stealing from the cash register, peeing in a corner, being abducted by a hooded figure, or any number of other things, and they would just be shopping away, chatting on their phone. dear world, if you have children, they are your responsibility. they are not puppies that wander around and come back. they are not chia pets that you can water them and leave them alone. they are human beings and it's your job to raise them.

well that's about all for now. what are the things that get underneath your skin??

Monday, April 25, 2011

oh God, i'm turning into my parents...

i'm sure that everyone has had that moment when you say something...or you look into the mirror (God forbid!!!)...or you hear your parents say something, and you know you're turning into your parents. we all just pray these moments happen when we're good and old and don't care. this weekend, i spent a good bit of time w/ my parents and i had this realization about 15x (much to my horror and chagrin). here are a few of my more entertaining findings:

#1: everyone on my mom's side is a complete nerve.

it's always been common knowledge that, in my family, the older you get the more nervous about random crap you become. for example, my grandmother sometimes gets nervous when she hears car doors shut during the day (which, somehow she can hear distant car doors slamming but not a single word being spoken on jeopardy at a volume less than 75 on the tv). my mother won't run in our suburban neighborhood by herself because she's afraid of tripping on a crack in the sidewalk and not being found for hours (she literally said that).

unfortunately i realized that i have inherited this genetic defect. on sunday morning (mind you, i had been up since 5 and this was my 2nd church service of the morning), i went to the bathroom to pee. i was wearing this pale pink dress-suit. so...i stood up after peeing and attempted to pull my dress back down, and then i panicked bc the fabric i was pulling would not go down past my hips. i immediately thought, o god, did it shrink? did it rip? what am i going to do? i had a vision of myself flashing the entire church, looks of horror illuminated on the faces of elderly ladies and small children, faces of disappointment on the pastor and all my youth. it was at this point that i realized i was tugging on my jacket and not my skirt.

needless to say, my moment of worry and panic was utterly ridiculous and unwarranted, and i was reminded once again of how i'm growing to be like my mother.

#2: not only is my family nervous, we also jump to the "worst-case-scenario" immediately.


related to #1 but slightly different. not only do we worry, but if you are an hour late, you are one of three things: bludgeoned to death on the side of the road, having a sordid affair with a bearded woman, or trapped and tortured in the basement of a madman. this may sound like an exaggeration, but i am definitely not kidding you. my grandmother recently found out someone we know is gay, and she now believes that everyone is going to become gay and that we will all be damned to hell by association (so many things wrong with that statement, i can't even count them). my mum didn't hear from me for 3 days, and thought that i had been in a terrible car accident. and of course, recently a friend of mine slept through a movie we were supposed to see. after not hearing from him for almost 24 hours, i was ready to check the obituaries. 

#3: my father is a no personal gain of his own.

my brother needed help w/ a project this week (aka...making a futon from scratch), and my daddy helped him all weekend. as in, they started early saturday morning...worked until 4am...and then worked most of the day on till midnight). like most people i know, my dad is not as young as he once was (or even was 5 min ago...aren't we constantly aging?), so he was completely exhausted. why? all for my broseph. i am probably next in line for the throne (i mean to say, for the king/queen of workaholism), but i consider usually, that i'm much more selfish than my daddy. 

that's all i got for now, folks. what are some of your "oh no, i'm turning into my parents" moments??

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

i freaking hate the easter bunny

okay. so confession. i absolutely hate santa claus, the easter bunny, and the tooth fairy. i think they should go back to imaginationland hell where they belong.

why? you may do not seem like a crazy fundamentalist, say-no-to-halloween, evil spirits, yada yada kind of person. in fact, you love harry potter, you not-so-secretly enjoy twilight, and you love sookie stackhouse with its sexy vampires and hot werewolves....what makes sandy claws and the easter rabbit so disgusting??

well there are a lot of reasons...

#1: they're super creepy.

when i was a little girl, our neighborhood wasn't always the safest. sure, we didn't live in the inner city, but there were a lot of drugs and cops and vandalism and burglaries on our street. so when my parents said that santa claus came in through the window (bc we didn't have a fireplace), you can understand why i thought he was a real creeper.

plus, up until this past christmas, i thought that the song "i saw mommy kissing santa claus" was about a secret affair someone's mom was having with santa. apparently, some people's dads dress like santa. anyway, up until i learned this, i thought several things about this: 1: my mother can do a hell of a lot better than santa's fat old gross-ness. 2: i don't really wanna sing about my mother having an affair with a creeper who sneaks into people's houses and probably has a cholesterol problem w/ all the cookies and milk he eats.

so the easter bunny is the same if not creepier. bc did anyone ever think of the easter bunny as a real bunny? i never did. that doesn't even make sense. how would it carry billions of baskets? it doesn't even have opposable thumbs. i always pictured the giant bunny from the mall, or some dude dressed up as a bunny. i even have picture books where bunnies are dressed and standing on 2 feet. 

and quite frankly, a human-sized rabbit is dead frightening. almost like the guinea pigs who try to take over the world when the peruvian pan-flute players are put into prison in that one episode of south park. can you imagine human sized rabbit turds? good grief...

#2: they send some convoluted messages to children about morals.

don't get me wrong, i'm all for positive reinforcement for good behavior...even negative reinforcement for bad behavior, done well. but...really, does anyone know someone who only got coal for Christmas? one time my dad put coal in our stockings, in the very bottom, but we also got candy and toys and stuff. i also knew some real brats (both when i was a child and now) and none of them only got coal. in fact, they were the kids who always got the good stuff. or at least stuff i coveted. and then there were real sweet kids who had no money who got the shaft when it came to christmas presents. like the little kids in christmas vacation:

and then there's the tooth fairy. you don't do anything except lose a tooth which will naturally fall out anyway, and you end up w/ money. now. that's generally what i strive for in life (doing nothing and getting something), but the reality of life is: if you sit on your bottom hoping teeth are going to fall out, you aren't going to make any money. then you have kids like my brother who lost all his teeth in a 6 month period, so my mom forgot to put $$ under his pillow a few times. after the tooth fairy allegedly forgot for the 4th tooth in a row, my brother declared in our kitchen, "I hate that stupid tooth fairy!"

and now, w/ the easter bunny, i'm not even sure what that message is. Jesus is risen! here kids, let's rotten your teeth some more with some candy...fear not what destroys the body, but the one who can also destroy your soul. i guess i just don't get it. i looked forward more to valentine's day as a kid bc there were these heart-shaped lollies with mickey mouse on the front that my mom got us every year.

#3: Jesus.

now. don't get me wrong, i am not a fundamentalist crazy person. as much as i hate the easter bunny, i'm not even advocating we ought to get rid of these things. learning to believe in things beyond our reason is important for learning how to believe in Jesus. but it makes me sad when kids know so much about the legend of the easter bunny, but have never heard about Jesus. It makes me even sadder when that's true of adults. 

check out this article: easter bunnies suck

as the article says, "we are an easter people living in good friday." easter should be a time when we know how truly and deeply and fully God really loves us. yet we're still trying to earn that being good enough for the easter bunny to come, or by providing the best easter basket and making the best casseroles and wearing the best easter outfit. we are marthas in the kitchen when we ought to be mary's on our knees. 

and so, on a more "serious" note, i pray that each of you might know the joy of the resurrection this week, even amidst dry ham, obnoxious family, way too much chocolate, and boring church services. Jesus is alive. and you are forgiven :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

it doesn't get any better than this, part 2...

Just to continue with my last few thoughts:

#7: Running in the rain.

The past few runs I have had (haha, runs...) in Highland Park have been on gorgeous, sunny, 60 degree days. The sweat was like a river (like the Colorado River) down my back. There were tons of people out to see me look appalling. Today, however, my run was in Pittsburgh's disgusting, 50 degree, pouring down rain weather. It was glorious!! I felt so refreshed and renewed. My iPod even stopped working and I think I could've gone for another like 3 miles....okay maybe another block.

If you like running/walking and you live in Pittsburgh, you should consider joining Truly Tricia and I for the Susan G. Komen Race For the Cure on May 8. It's going to be a great time and for a truly fantastic cause.

#8: friends.

i feel like i may have put this in my last post, but it bears repeating. for how lonely i was in september, i feel so truly blessed to have the friends i have now. here are some pix with them that i look good in (sorry for friends who got left out bc i took a bad picture with you haha).

#9: hugs from 2-yr-olds and races w/ 5-yr-olds

So with little kids you sometimes never know how much they like you. they might be just tolerating you until mom gets home...or maybe they're real shy around you and intimidated. i know there were certain people i was super shy around as a child bc they had a weird beard or a big belly or a loud laugh. or they would tickle me until i peed my pants (ahem..uncle freakin kerry). or they smelled funny. i don't have a weird beard or anything but i am kind of loud anyway, sometimes kids can be shy. on sunday, the younger brother of one of my youth and asked me if i would play with him. now, i've said hi to this kid, told him he was awesome, attempted to give him a high five (shut down!) and so on. and he usually hides behind his mom's legs. so, for him to come to me and ask me to play....well. how the heck could i say no?!?! plus we ran races and had a pirate adventure. does it get any better than that?

and then yesterday, i was babysitting for my lil pal ian. ian was absolutely not a happy camper because mommy was leaving. but. within 2 hrs of babysitting, he was already shoving play dough in my mouth (a clear sign of affection from any toddler), and letting me share his dino-nuggets (seriously, an HONOR). when i was leaving, he gave me a big ol' hug, then ran to his daddy and said, "da-da, i gave her a hug!" warmed my heart!

okay, i think that's all i've got before i get too sappy and boring. keep posting your "it doesn't get any better than this" moments!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

it doesn't get any better than this...

so. i am a sucker for a good top 10 (or 13...or 100) list. find me on any given new years day, and i'll be glued to vh1 and the top songs of the past 5 decades for 48 hrs straight (that has never, i wish that weren't a lie). this weekend pretty much sums up this term for me: stressful and somewhat overwhelming, but solid, beautiful, and truly it doesn't get any better than this. so, here is my list of "it doesn't get any better than this" moments since coming to seminary...

(minor aside...i thought this comic was real cute)

#1: going to razzy fresh frozen yogurt twice in one night: scrum-diddly-umptious

seriously, if you are (or are ever) in the pittsburgh area, please do yourself a favor and go here. you pay by the ounce for your can put delicious toppings (like fruit or cookie dough or m&m's or brownie chunks.....) into the delicious goodness of the frozen yogurt... i went twice in one night a couple of weeks ago, and it was worth every calorie both times (i may revise that statement after i put on my dress for i've been working out to fit in this dress for about a year). 

#2: the first sunny days of the march :) 

in pittsburgh, we have far more cloudy days than sunny days. it's an old saying: in pittsburgh, there are two seasons: winter and construction. truer than true, my friends. i soak up every ounce of sun i can get. i've set up my futon by the window so that the light pours in on it and the breeze wafts in while i sit and do work or take a nap.

(haha, the word "waft" reminded me of farts. and the fragrance from outside only occasionally smells like fart (like if the bus is idling out front). no, most of the fart smells come from me.)

#3: sing-alongs: in the car, at charlie murdoch's, in tom's diner...

i love singing along to songs (even if i don't know the correct words), and this year we've had some classic memories singing along to bobFM, spending an evening at charlie murdoch's dueling piano bar, or bursting into song in some random place (like eat n park or tom's diner).

(one of our favorite songs to sing)

#4: bowling with the youth group i work with.

it may seem silly, but it was a break-through for me. i had so much fun, and i think the fun we had that night set the groundwork for a lot of spirit-led conversations. i work with some of the most fantastic seniors in the world...mostly bc they are mini-me's. 

#5: dr. allison's lecture

okay, i had dr. allison for an entire term, but there was one lecture when i literally teared up (i have really bad allergies, ok!!) bc he was just so raw and transparent. he said a lot of really great theological things in very faithful ways. here are a few highlights:

"there is a time to turn the other cheek, and there is a time to overturn tables in the temple."

"what we need is not detailed legislations or a list of do's and don't's, but images, ideas, inspiration, things with eternal significance."

"if you love your enemies, who don't you love?"

“I didn't like Mel Gibson's film. But at least it leaves you with the impression that crucifixion isn't a piece of jewelry.”

"I need a Jesus who can laugh loudly and wail miserably."

#6: wednesday night, modern family night

so last year, my friend katie and i watched modern family together every wednesday. if you haven't watched it, you're an idiot. you should probably try to win back some awesome points by getting on that immediately. anyway, when i first came here, it was hard for us to have time to hang out, so we reinstated modern family night. whether we're having a glass of red wine, eating cookies or chips, or just deflating after a really long day, i never can believe that it's 11:30 (or later) when i'm leaving. it's possibly my favorite night of the week.

ok...i think i'm going to continue the list in my next blog, this is just getting way too long. but please, comment what your "it doesn't get any better than this" moments are. and please refrain from quoting taylor swift fearless at me. it gets stuck in my head way too easily.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

the ultimate low (seminary edition)

once upon a time, when i was a mere sophomore in undergrad, my roomy marissa and i experienced the first ultimate low experience:

first, this is my rissa-rooney former roomy

technically these photos were from the ultimate low junior year, but i don't have pictures from sophomore don't wanna know...this would be the explosion of my underwear drawer into our sled.

it was so bad that when our boys wanted to prank us, they had to literally cover everything w/ newspaper bc otherwise we wouldn't notice a difference. ps. i found that newspaper for weeks afterward.

that's a glimpse of how bad the dorm room looked.

so you get a visual. the first ultimate low occurred when we lived in Browne 210 during finals week. we had run out of money on our meal plans 3 weeks ago (for the second time), so we were living off of "free food" offered around campus for people's meetings, cereal we stole from the cafeteria, ramen noodles, curdled milk, and this large package of chocolate pudding cakes my mother sent us. this week seriously tested our sanity bc we weren't getting enough sleep, the dorm was practically overheating so we were dying, and we were clearly malnourished. name a few... i began swearing at inanimate objects like my pen and my notebook. we began to wear clothes off the floor rather than doing laundry (as well as reuse dirty dishes). i yelled at our "ghost" when we had company in the middle of a bible study. etc. we often look back and laugh hysterically bc it was so pathetic.

welp. i've definitely hit the ultimate low of seminary. here are some examples:

oh hey, there's my desk which i never use bc there are simply too many things on it.

can you tell that i live on my futon most days? or that i was so frustrated with paul's letters that the packets for that class ended up in a frenzied mess all over the floor? you can't see it, but my garlic salt and a container of golden grahams are sitting on the arm of the futon. not to put together. but bc i keep forgetting about meals. so i keep putting garlic on my noodles and eating lots of golden grahams. thank God for my pasta boat!! seriously, one of the best inventions ever!!

a very attractive photo of me. it reflects just about how i feel right now. in complete disarray. 

once upon a time, i thought i could keep this area on my desk nice and neat by putting all my pens in my mug and keeping important books in a row and putting all my jewelry in a little it looks like holly golightly's shelf in breakfast at tiffany's when fred baby brings her a book (and she says, oh well that looks so nice next to some bowl or something.....).

it amazes me how i can put clothes mere inches away from the laundry basket, but not inside of it. 

this may not seem like a big deal, but i am OCD (to the MAX!!) about a clean bathroom, and i have been leaving a trail of hair products out all week. it is not okay, and it makes me feel anxious.

also included in the ultimate low (seminary edition):
  • i have eaten approximately 6 small chocolate chip cookies plus 1/2 of a giant chocolate chip cookie today.
  • i also ate the entire container of ravioli (it was only 2 serving sizes, hehe).
  • i got hit on by a random man at the dollar store. who's line was, "i'm too old for you, honey, but you have a nice smile. come back here, now." 
  • i tried (and failed) to go in through the exit door at that same dollar store
  • some JERK scraped my car w/ his piece of crap truck at staples (crazy woman driver!!!)
  • one of my light-bulbs burnt out. i know i have extra lightbulbs somewhere, but i have no idea where they are.
the list continues. and so i ask: what about you all? what are the first things to take a backseat when you get stressed?? what silly things have you done?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

for the fat kid in all of us...

when i was in high school, my mother used to tell us that she loved us the way a fat kid loves cake. i recognize that this is in a song by 50 cent. nonetheless, my mom and 50 cent have virtually nothing in common:

(50 cent)

(my mom and gma...cracking up mind you)

for one thing, my mom wears all of her underwear in her pants. for another thing, it should be illegal for 50 cent to wear a shirt (possibly the opposite for my mother...simply bc she's a mom). though, 50 cent and my mom probably have a comparable amount of bling bling......

anyway, as i was saying about fat kids loving cake. this coming week is insanely busy for me. i work 2 jobs and both of them i work extra this week. plus i'm a full-time student in the middle of midterms. needless to say, i'm looking forward to thursday at 11:30 when life takes a short break. so i decided to blog about all the comfort things (like cake for fat kids) that get me through weeks like this (a slight copy from my fabulous future roomy Truly Tricia's blogs about her favorite things).

#1: freshly cleaned sheets

i wish i could copy and paste the smell of my sheets into this blog. just know, it's the best homey feeling in the world.

#2: chips and salsa

For the absolute best salsa ever: jack's special salsa (medium). available at costco. warning: i legitimately ate this for 5 meals straight...errr...two times in my life. this can cause 1: serious gas like you have never had in your life. 2: possibly the feeling you have a brick laying in your colon.

#4: fleetwood mac
absolutely one of my favorite bands. always reminds me of home and happiness. this song, rhiannon, i was almost named after (thank God i was not...i don't want people thinking i'm anything like rhianna), but instead my parents decided to name me after lindsey buckingham...who is a man. guess you can't win em all.

#5: dressing up

i know for most people, they wear sweatpants to make it through finals or midterms or w/e. for me, i love looking cute, and i get more accomplished when i'm put-together. so look out boys! the skirts are comin out!!! (reminds me curiously of the commercial years back with "i'm comin' out" playing and everyone's belly-buttons were singing.........)

#6: freshly brewed coffee

i recommend 8-o'clock coffee for those of us who refuse to drink folgers out of principle, yet are too poor for delicious, scrum-diddly-umptious dunkin donuts coffee. it's good enough (especially if my mom is the one making it). and if that isn't good enough, potentially drop a little bailey's action in there and it's all good.

#7: harry potter time

even when i have to read about 1000 pages for class, i make 15 min to re-read harry potter (possibly for the 7th time, yikes!!). i just feel better when i read harry. for those of you who have not had the pleasure, please watch this video:

that's all i got for now. what are your comfort foods and habits when times get stressful?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I've got a bad case of the runs...

Ha. Not really. I probably wouldn't post that on here (unless maybe there were a funny story connected to it). No -- today I am all about RUNNING. All the runners I know like to talk about "their runs" which always makes me giggle (mostly because I'm a 12 year old in a 25 year old body), and think they probably have diarrhea much like the ass explosion depicted in Dumb and Dumber.

yeah, no. not that kind of runs. what i'm talking about is the blissful feeling running...ipod shuffling through 90s hip-hop (widely accepted as some of the best running music ever), heart pumping, mind racing, chest aching, muscles seizing......

ok, so here's the truth. i've been running for over a year at least twice a week (most weeks more like 4 days a week), and i still despise it. i hate being out of breath. i hate when my toes fall asleep bc my socks suck. i am probably the slowest runner in the history of existence (an old man in orthopedic shoes nearly passed me today...), most people actually walk at a faster pace than i run. the moment i start running my face gets super red and i look like i'm about to have a heart attack or something (even if i'm not even that out of breath). you get that like gooey spit business going on in the mouth region which is just super attractive. and there's really no escaping someone seeing you that way bc you either run outside in public or you run on a treadmill at a gym, where other people are (unless you're rich and have your own treadmill. which i do not). i can think of no greater humiliation than running up a hill by where i live, huffing and puffing, just praying that i don't trip, or have snot coming out my nose, or that no one notices that my chub possibly bounces as much as my boobs. (maybe an overstatement, but i'm slightly paranoid about it).

so why, you may ask, do i torture myself?? for the runner's high. and also to fit into my pants. oh yeah, and so i don't feel so bad about the 1/2 a bag of chips and salsa i consumed last night (or entire medium pizza..or french get the picture). bc the resulting benefits outweigh the costs. while i don't always like the feeling of running, it gives me a chance to clear my mind. and when i'm done i feel great. while i hate feeling out of breath, i love the way i breathe after a long run and the feel of hot shower water afterward. and a good long stretch.

the great thing about running as a form of exercise is it's all within you. you can go as fast as you want, as far as you want, for as long as you want. i think so often we fail at diets and exercise bc we see jillian michaels or that crazy man-lady on fit-tv lifting 45 pounds and jumping 6 feet into the air and shouting at us, and we think we have to start so big and do so much and we'll never be like them (and then we console ourselves with ice cream...or in my case, french fries). when you run, it's all about you and your ability to keep pushing yourself. i've learned a lot about my self-speak since i started running. i am simply an expert at coming up with great excuses to not exercise. i'm such an "instant gratification" person in a lot of ways. i do what feels good at the moment. running has helped me to train myself to think more long term. i want to look hot in my bikini. ergo, i run 5 miles and eat yogurt. 

now. all i've got to do is apply that logic to Greek exegesis, and it's game-set-match.

the other thing...and i know i'm going on forever that running really clears my mind. when i'm having a particularly crappy run, i begin to pray over and over again hebrews 12.1-2: Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. running is a great metaphor for my life at seminary and as a follower of Christ. it might feel icky sometimes, but the resulting benefits far outweigh the discomfort.

and so...i pray that you also get a bad case of the runs :)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

10 reasons the 90s were the best decade ever...

so. 90s music is always my favorite, but right now i'm on a kick that i really wish the 90s would come back in all ways: bad fashion, classic tv shows, the works. here's my 10 reasons why:

10. tamagotchi!!! ok, so my family was too poor to actually get me a tamagotchi, i actually had a nano pet, but nonetheless. this was fantastic. it proved how irresponsible 12-yr-old lovely lindsay was: i always killed the lil critter.

9. tv shows!! i think we can all agree that no tv shows today compare to the classic cheese of the 90s (possibly with the exception of modern family, but even then...).

to name a few:

boy meets world

full house...

who loves orange soda?!?! kel loves orange soda. is it true???? mmmmhmmmm, i do i do i do-ooo!

technically first aired in 1989, but does anything sum up entertainment in the 90s better than seinfeld???

the list could go on and on. in fact that could in and of itself be a separate blog post. hmmm.....

8. super hero movies were cheesy to the extreme. prime example: batman forever. classic zoom on the "bat buns." some great one-liners from jim carrey (i can see your mind, freak!). some over-acting from chris odonnell. val kilmer wearing a turtle neck on a date w/ nicole kidman (probably not the best wardrobe choice). and so on :) 

7. grunge. both as a clothing style and music style.

6. Pogs!! best recess game ever....oh wait, i'm not entirely sure we ever actually played the game. i think we just talked about them and traded them. still upset that my mom threw them all away.

5. Boy Bands!!! Love me some NSync!!!

4. Princess Di and Mother Teresa were still alive and doing some of their most influential work :)

3. Clearly the best gaming systems ever: Sega Genesis and Nintendo.

2. The Rachel Haircut (not to mention Friends in general!!!). this one time i went to get the rachel haircut for the first day of 7th grade. some [insert favorite choice word here] chopped a chunk out of the side of my hair. needless to say i practically ended up with a bull cut for 7th grade. my dream to still have rachel hair continues today:

1. Probably the best part of the 90s is the greatness of SNL at the time. The cast was phenom for so long in the 90s!!

Well, this was a lovely time of reminiscing for me. What are your favorite parts of the 90s??