so, it has truly been a long time. in order to express my deep apology for my lack of writing, please view this video of aaliyah:
{it's been a long time. shouldn'ta left you without a dope beat to step to...}
that being said, autumn is now here, and in western pa, that means the world around me is displaying the widest range of colors known to the human eye. but that's not the only reason autumn is slammin. in honor of my grand return to blogging, i feel it's only fitting i give you a top 10 list.
10. crunchy leaves, pretty colors
{just imagine the crisp smell and the crunchy sound}
did anyone else jump from leaf to crunchy leaf on the way home from the bus stop as a child?
i did.
like popping bubble wrap, chewing a potato chip, walking on a hard surface in heels, popping a balloon, and sitting on a whoopy cushion, the feeling of stepping on crunchy leaves is so gratifying. one of pittsburgh's most attractive features is its gorgeous autumn leaves. our trees turn every shade you can even imagine, and the rolling hills create a landscape that uses an entire 96 crayon crayola box to depict.
9. pumpkin spice latte at starbucks
ok, so let me confess that i'm not actually a huge fan of this drink. however, when pumpkin spice latte comes out that means that peppermint mocha is just around the corner. GLORIOUS!!! like many autumn things, this beverage is magnificent in theory, but its real purpose is to point to something new. and that's the coming of glittery snow and candy-canes.
8. halloween
obviously, i like halloween because i can wear nothing but underwear in public and call it a costume and no one thinks i'm weird:
{ahhh those teeth!!!}
so in real life, i love halloween so much. i love carving pumpkins and eating lots of candy. i love the creativity of coming up with a unique costume. i love witches and vampires and werewolves. i love how creepy trick or treating is. love it.
7. sam adams oktoberfest
this needs no explanation or comment. take a moment to savor the memory of your last oktoberfest. if you've never had the pleasure, then please stop reading my blog until you have.
6. political ads
probably oktoberfest should be before this, but whatevski. i love political ads because they are incredibly asinine. i love them even more because so many people take them as factual. dear people: political ads obviously skew the truth. and gullible is not in the dictionary. thanks, lindsay.
my favorite political ads are the ones with the whole family in them. so many opportunities for laughing at mom pants and 80s hair.
5. football season
i am a professional sports spectator, but football has a very special place in my heart. something about the violent beating of one another, and the fact that i can't even get my tiny hand around a pigskin, and the way pittsburgh just goes batshit crazy over the stillers. again, a classic opportunity to observe mom pants and 80s hair. woot woot!
my love of sports goes a little deeper though, and maybe this is the real reason i love football season. to use the analysis of lane kim from gilmore girls: "there's something greatly gratifying about stuffing yourself with fattening foods while you watch someone else work and sweat." amen!
4. apples and the apple castle
up where i went to college, there is this little local market called the apple castle. and they sell some of the most delicious foods of all time. in fact, it's like a top 5 list within the top 10 list:
*apple donuts
*apple cider
*apple donuts
*hard candy
yep. donuts are in there twice. they are just that good. i played scrabble with the 90something elderly man who owns the place. i won. no big deal.
3. cuddly weather
this may be the singular time i ever admit this. i love the disgusting 95 degree days we get in august around here. but there is nothing like a crisp night for my wool blanket or a nice cuddle with the right guy in the right sweatshirt. or the right pillow...
2. project runway
don't hate, fools. i love this show soooooo much.
{season finale tomorrow night!! go josh m!}
1. the beauty of death
on a more serious note, the thing i like best about fall is that the leaves are a reminder of the beauty of death. in the life of a leaf, it is most beautiful in its death. i think so often i am afraid of death, i live my life scared that it will find me when i'm not ready. this reminds me of the beauty life can leave.
even more so, i think about how Christ calls us to die to our old selves and lives. He calls us to take up a cross and follow him. he calls us to sacrifice. in a society utterly obsessed with beauty, it seems paradoxical that when we give up something of ourselves, that's when beauty most clearly shines through.
it's high time we accept our brokenness and our failings. it's high time we let go of what it is that we want right this second to instantly make our troubles go away. it's high time we die to ourselves and embrace the family of God. i pray that this is something you all strive for.
can i get an amen??
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