Friday, July 15, 2011

cause it's a bittersweet symphony, this life...

last night, i threw my inhibitions to the wind and experienced the last harry potter movie 3d style and at midnight.

{i may or may not have dressed as hermione granger}

{i felt a wide range of emotions at the so-called "epic conclusion"}



nervous (just in case they missed some significant parts..

freaking exhausted...

potentially mutating into a chipmunk...

and gangsta {grifs for life, yo)

it was bittersweet, which is much like the book. i laughed, i cried, it was beautiful!!!

b)ut it has me thinking about the bittersweet symphony of my life right now (thank you very much, The Verve). i'm currently finishing up the last 2 weeks working with youth at one church and my other job pushing papers at continuing ed, and i'll be starting a new job in august. always, when i've taken a new job, i've been leaving something bad or unhealthy or ugly for something new, and a new job usually brings a sense of relief. this time, i'm leaving good for better. i don't feel relieved...i feel bittersweet.

"i'm a million different people from one day to the next"

{seriously, how good is that song?? }

what are the bittersweet symphonies of your life?
and how bad freaking ass was harry potter 7.2??

1 comment:

  1. Oh Lindsay, you are amazing...i love you and ur humor. I'm glad you enjoyed the movie. i can't wait to see it myself.
